Domain Extensions

More than 1,000 domain extensions at your fingertips

We offer a total of more than 1,000 domain extensions, including country codes (ccTLDs), generic domains (gTLDs) and new domain extensions (ngTLDs). You can choose based on country, region, industry, hobbies, community and much more. If you already know which domain extension you want, search for it, confirm its availability and register the domain you need.

Domain TLDRegisterRenewal
.cam Generic
€29.95 €29.95
.camera Generic
€54.95 €54.95
.camp Generic
€54.95 €54.95
.capital Generic
€72.55 €72.55
.car Generic
€2,599.00 -
.cards Generic
€43.00 €43.00
.care Generic
€43.00 €43.00
.careers Generic
€72.55 €72.55
.cars Generic
€2,599.00 -
.casa Generic
€13.96 €13.96
.cash Generic
€35.00 €35.00
.casino Generic
€190.00 €190.00
.cat gTLDS
€8.00 €22.50
.catering Generic
€43.00 €43.00
.cc Coconut Islands
€40.00 €40.00
.cd Dem. Rep. of Congo
€140.00 €140.00
.center Generic
€32.00 €32.00
.ceo Generic
€180.00 -
.cf Central african republic
€39.00 €39.00
.ch Switzerland
€39.00 €39.00
.chat Generic
€43.00 €43.00
.cheap Generic
€39.99 €39.99
.christmas Generic
€79.95 -
.church Generic
€49.99 €49.99
.city Generic
€29.99 €29.99
* Prices without VAT